Victoria’s Vital Signs report reveals the top concerns of Greater Victoria citizens


Established in 1936, the Victoria Foundation is Canada’s second oldest community foundation and sixth largest of over 200 nation-wide. We manage charitable gifts from donors whose generosity allows us to create permanent, income-earning funds. The proceeds from these funds are then distributed as grants for charitable or educational purposes. To date, the Victoria Foundation has invested more than $340 million in people, projects, and non-profit organizations that strengthen communities in BC and throughout Canada.

Which issues will you take on?

A message from

Victoria Foundation’s CEO

A message from

Victoria Foundation’s CEO

For nearly 20 years, Victoria’s Vital Signs has been helping us identify and respond to the most important issues facing residents of Greater Victoria. Thanks to thousands of survey respondents who have shared their experiences of living here, we now present the 19th edition of our annual, data-driven checkup that snapshots the diverse qualities of life on the South Island. 

This year, Vital Signs asks: Can you imagine Victoria for your grandkids and future generations? Imagination is a powerful tool. It’s one that will inspire many of us to work together by listening, learning, and collaborating to ensure our grandkids and their kids can prosper in our beautiful region. Together, with knowledge gathered from this report, we can continue to improve our collective wellbeing and strengthen the vitality of our community. 

We hope you enjoy reading the 2024 Vital Signs report and imagining a future where our upcoming generations can thrive.  

Sandra Richardson

Chief Executive Officer, Victoria Foundation

Up Nextnext-flyoutMessage from our sponsor

A message from

Our Presenting Sponsor

A message from our

Presenting Sponsor

Coast Capital is honored to partner with the Victoria Foundation as Presenting Sponsor of Victoria’s Vital Signs report. This report is essential in helping us understand our community’s most complex challenges. As a federal financial cooperative and Certified B Corporation™, guided by our Social Purpose, Building Better Futures Together, we share the Foundation’s commitment to fostering understanding, dialogue, and the collaborative action needed to create an equitable society where everyone can thrive. 

We are also proud to support actionable solutions through our sponsorship of Vital Conversations and collaboration on the Spark Funds grants. These initiatives allow us to dig deeper into the report’s data, turning insights into meaningful conversations and, ultimately, into tangible change through innovative partnerships and projects that drive systemic solutions to local issues. 

We are deeply grateful to the Victoria Foundation for the work they do to strengthen our community and look forward to the conversations and initiatives that will emerge from this year’s Vital Signs report. 

Tanya Smith
Senior Manager, Social Purpose Ecosystems, Coast Capital

Up Nextnext-flyoutWith thanks

With Thanks

We would like to express our gratitude to the many businesses that have embraced the opportunity to help create a vibrant, caring community for all, specifically the sponsors whose generosity makes production and promotion of this report possible. 

Our thanks also go to all the individuals and organizations that helped to create this report, including those that provided data, took our survey, or helped guide and support the project, including our board and staff at the Victoria Foundation. 

Special thanks to the Marshall and Bicknell family featured on this year’s cover, representing three generations of local community members. Dave Bicknell, Retired Battalion Chief with Victoria Fire Department, his daughter Alexandria Marshall, Firefighter with Esquimalt Fire Department, and her daughter, Stevie Marshall. 

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